Chapter one introduces the priest, Iddo and his family. After years of Iddo's nightmares of his capture and his never ending desire to return to the Promised Land, King Cyrus is finally releasing the Jewish people to return to their land and rebuild the temple. Iddo's passion for doing so has not wavered but he finds that all the Jewish people don't have that same passion. Babylon is "home", a pagan world they have grown comfortable in, and their love for and faith in the one true God has wavered. Even his own sons wish to remain in Babylon. Only his grandson, Zechariah, desires to go to the land of his forefathers and it takes an "act of God" to convince him but his decision to do so changes everything.
Lynn Austin has successfully brought to life the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Not only does the story bring to life the characters from those Old Testament books, much of the story comes straight from scripture. Ms. Austin's books are always among my favorites and this one is no exception. Her writings demonstrate that she is well researched and thorough. Her novels are typically lengthy but not filled with fluff. This one is no exception. I love how she makes me feel as if I am walking alongside these Biblical characters. A must read for any historical fiction reader. Return to Me is the first installment in the Restoration Chronicles. I look forward to the furture installments.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.