My Hope Is Found is the final installment of Gideon and Lonnie O'Riley's story. I don't want to ruin the first two books, Be Still My Soul, and Through My Heart is Torn, but will attempt to vaguely tell their story as it leads up to this fabulous ending .
After a very rocky start to their marriage and then being torn apart when Gideon's past comes back to haunt him, Gideon is finally able to return to his family. However, stepping back into Lonnie and Jacob's life isn't quite so simple. Lonnie has grieved over the loss of Gideon (she has no reason to think that they will ever reunite) for months and has finally come to a place where she can open her heart and has--to a Scottish preacher named Toby McKee. When Gideon returns and realizes what has happened, he has to turn the only place he knows to--God. Could it be that Toby would be the better husband for Lonnie and does Gideon love her enough to let her go?
I love, love, love this series! The characters are endearing and my heart has grieved over all they have endured. I have no doubt you will love Lonnie, Gideon, and Toby as much as I do. Each of these books in the series will leave you wanting more but know that they must be read in order. These are the first novels written by Joanne Bischof but I hope they will not be the last. Even though she is from California, I can see and feel the Appalachians in her writing and she is dead on. If you haven't read the series, may I recommend this as something to put on your wish list? If you still aren't convinced, check out Ms. Bischof's website at
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to write a positive review. Five stars without any hesitation!