Friday, August 22, 2014

Jonah and the Great Big Fish

Jonah and the Great Big Fish  -     By: Rhonda Gowler Greene

Rhonda Growler Greene along with illustrator, Margaret Spengler, bring to us the story of Jonah and his initial refusal to do as God asked and go to Nineveh only to find that his disobedience brought more turmoil than expected.  Done in a rhyming text, the story is perfect for ages 3-8.  The illustrations are bright and colorful with just a hint of an out of focus kind of effect which I found delightful and would appeal to small children. 

The only downside to the story is the fact that it ends with Jonah choosing to obey God.  In other words, it is a nice start but the story doesn't stop there.  I think it would have been beneficial for the author to have continued Jonah's story, allowing us all to be reminded of God's forgiveness that is available to all if we repent as the people of Nineveh did.  Overall, I think the story is well done and artwork very nice but the book stops short of getting the entire story told.  When I finished, the first thing that came to mind was "is that all?".

I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.  I was in no way obligated to write a positive rreview.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Captured by Love

Captured By Love, Michigan Brides Collection Series #1The war of 1812 has affected all of North America, including Michilimackinac Island.  Men have followed the call to fight, food is scarce, and soldiers are everywhere.  Attempting to avoid the same fate as her sister, Angelique MacKenzie is determined to fade into the background and avoid her cruel step-father and his young new wife until the war is over and her fiance returns.  What she doesn't expect is her childhood friend, Pierre Durant, to return to the island after years of absence.  Neither of them are children anymore.  Could there be more to their relationship than what was there? Can Angelique keep her promise or will she follow her heart?

I loved the characters from the beginning.  Angelique has been beaten down from so many directions but she is strong and serves without looking back, often times going hungry in order to feed someone she loves, the British leaving little for the colonists to eat.  She is playful and yet stubborn, wanting to feel safe and secure and thinks that she has found the perfect way to have that but often God's ways are different than ours.  Pierre is a new man, having given his life to Christ.  However, like most of us, he deals with the guilt of his past and turning everything over to God.

I loved the setting of the book.  I have read little of the time period or of Mackinac Island.  Jody Hedlund has a way of making me feel like I lived through the war and walked on the island.  I have read only one other book by Jody but will be seeking out others in a church or public library.  I highly recommend it.  I see no indication on the book that is is part of a series but if it is this volume easily stands on its own. 

I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.  The opinions are my own. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Goodnight, Ark

Goodnight, Ark  -     By: Laura Sassi

Goodnight, Ark by Laura Sassi is a wonderful way to tuck your little ones in at night.  Most children know the story of Noah's Ark but not the "inside" story about how the animals can't sleep through the storm, much like your children may not be able to.  The animals begin crawling into bed with Noah until the bed becomes so full that it breaks in the weight.  Whatever will Noah do to calm the animals and get them back to their rightful resting places for the night?

Each page is beautifully and brightly illustrated.  The words are written in almost like a sing-song rhyming manner making it easy to capture your child's attention and imagination.  I loved it!  I wish my children were still little enough to need a bedtime story.  Somehow, showing up to their dorm room with Goodnight, Ark doesn't seem like a great option but this copy will go on my shelf for future grandchildren should I be so blessed.

I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.  I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.

Monday, August 4, 2014


Most people like to eat out much more than I. I am always ready for a good meal but would much rather eat a good home cooked meal than sit at a restaurant even if the home meal is tacos and the restaurant meal filet mignon. There are times, however, that eating out is essential whether to be with friends or because you are traveling and it is impossible to cook.

When those occasions do make it necessary, I would much rather avoid the chain restaurants and find some good local spot. Asking locals where to eat is an option at times but not always. That is where Roadfood by Jane and Michael Stern comes in. The two have compiled a coast to coast listing of 900 of the best "BBQ joints, lobster shacks, ice cream parlors, highway diners, and much, much more."  What I love about the book isn't the handy portable size as it is 2" thick. I do love how it is broken down by geographic region, personable reviews of and suggestions for each site, includes a phone number and website so you can check for hours ahead of time as well as a street address so you can plug it into your GPS. The Sterns also give you an indication as to how much you can be expected to spend.

What might make it better? I typically don't travel nationwide but do a lot of travel in the southeast. For my purposes, I would find it better to have a more complete listing in the regions in which I travel rather than half of the book being dedicated to places I don't ever expect to go. However, if you are planning to travel coast to coast, this would be a handy thing to take along in your car. I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for am honest review and was in no way obligated to write a positive review.