Several weeks ago, a friend of mine invited David and Jason Benham to his church as guest speakers and I was intrigued enough about his Facebook invitation to read a bit more about the brothers. What I learned was that the brothers were scheduled to host an HGTV show entitled Flip it Forward and that their show was cancelled out of the blue because the brothers stood up for the Biblical definition of marriage. What???? Why is it that those who scream tolerance and mock the Christian faith, trying to validate their sinful lifestyle by making it "legal", are left alone but let any Christian stand up for their belief and they are labeled intolerant and "haters". Okay, enough of that bandwagon.
Whatever the Cost is the story of twin brothers, David and Jason, from their early years as sons of a minister to their college years at Liberty University where they had dreams of being Major League Baseball players until they suffered life changing injuries in the minor leagues to deciding how to take what life had dealt them and making the most of it, finding the path God had for them in the business world. Their story will inspire you to stand up for your faith, perhaps give you the courage to rearrange your own priorities, and provide you with real life examples of men who will leave this world better than they found it. Their faith and integrity are motivating.
The book is a quick, easy read. I love a good biography and this is one I will keep on my shelf to reread. I think the part that make me sad is that Americans had opportunity to have strong Christian men of faith that would have modeled Christian principles on HGTV for the world to see and we have missed that opportunity. God's ways are higher than our ways though. I somehow think God isn't finished with these brothers and their story of closed doors and seemingly failures might just touch more people than their success might have.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to write a positive one. Two thumbs up.