When the sun goes down and your little one is ready for bed, so are you. You KNOW the right thing to do is to read a story, pray with them, tuck them in, and listen to whatever they want to whisper to you before falling off to sleep BUT sometimes that task gets pushed aside because too many things are calling for your attention. Don't let it. Your toddler is young for such a short period of time and the time to capture them with God's love for them is right now. Never will their heart be softer and more malleable than before they head off to school. Capture that. Take advantage of it.
Read and Share 5 Minute Bible Stories makes those moments a bit more manageable because each story is just 5 minutes or less in length at only 2 pages, most of which are bright, whimsical, and colorful illustrations. The stories range from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation with 90 of them in all. Each has the scripture reference (which I wish was included on the same page as the story rather than in the Table of Contents) if you wish to add that to your reading, the short kid friendly language story, and a summary statement with a occasional question to close.
I love the watercolor illustrations and the paper is a nice heavy quality making it much more kid friendly than some papers. For some reason, the author chose for the cover to be somewhat padded which doesn't affect me one way or the other. I might take up a bit more bookshelf space that way but I can see a child liking the feel and being able to grip the 186 page volume a bit easier to carry it into Mom's or Dad's lap. I think it will make a fabulous baby gift.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to write a positive one.