Thursday, January 26, 2017

Prepare for Easter

The Women of Easter: Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene  -     By: Liz Curtis Higgs

If you have been in church for your whole life as I am blessed to have been, you have heard the stories of Mary (sister of Martha), Mary (mother of Jesus) and Mary Magdalene.  All three of their lives were changed because of Jesus and were never the same after having known him.  What is unique about this book is Higgs' talent of taking their stories and weaving her own making them seem as if they could be somewhat of the girl next door and allow us to learn and apply their experience so well to our own lives.  Another eye opening focus of this writing is how Jesus treated these three women at a time when women weren't esteemed as they are now.  While I knew women of Biblical times were treated somewhat as a lesser human, I hadn't made the connection that these women, and others, sort of "made the cut" when God inspired the Bible and He obviously doesn't see any of them as lesser than the men of the Bible.

I have always appreciated Liz Curtis Higgs' humor.  Few people can consistently make me laugh out loud as she can.  Another aspect that drew me to her in the beginning is that she too is a Louisville girl.   Several years ago, I read The Women of Christmas and even picked it up again this holiday season.  The real life connections found in that book didn't make me question at all that The Women of Easter would be equally good.  I wasn't disappointed. Higgs' writing style is easy for me to read and doesn't feel preachy at all.  Curl up with your copy and a cup of tea.  The timing of the paperback volume release is perfect as we all look to the Easter season.  I know it has helped prepare my heart for the celebration and trust it will do the same for you. 

I did receive this advanced proof from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Bill Martin does it again!

Noah, Noah, What Do You See?  -     By: Bill Martin, Jr. & Michael Sampson

Who doesn't love Bill Martin's Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?  I must have read it so many times to my children that I can almost say it by memory.   Well, he has taken that same lyrical language and created a similar book around Biblical characters all the way through the Bible from Adam and Eve to Paul.  For example, you may enjoy "Joseph, Joseph, what do you see?  I see a father with a coat for me".  Or perhaps your child may by comforted by "Little child, little child, what do you see? I see Jesus watching over me".   What better way to introduce your young child to the Bible than through an author he/she already loves and the sing-song writing that Martin is known for?  Each page also includes the Biblical reference to the story so you can read the entire piece to your child as he/she grows a bit older.

Melissa Iwai provides the perfect child-like illustrations to compliment Martin's writing.   This particular volume is a board book which I love in case you haven't noticed my thoughts on them in other reviews.  As a previous school librarian, there is nothing sweeter than a child cherishing a book he can hold onto and call his/her own so I love the durability and stability that board books provide to little hands.

Two thumbs up to Mr. Martin for giving us another children's book destined to be read over and over again and helps parents introduce even their youngest to God's love and protection.  I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.  The thoughts and  comments are my own.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Baa! Oink! Moo!

From sheep that go baa to cows that moo to bunnies that go hippity-hop, only God can make each one. Baa! Oink! Moo! is a sweet conversation between a little boy and his mother as the child notices each animal and asks who made them that way.  As the mother responds, she says that only God can make them and the moon in sky and crickets that sing a lullaby as the little boy drifts off to sleep. 

The watercolor illustrations by David Walker are precious.  The lyrical verse is perfect for teaching your little one about God and how much He cares for us as well as the sounds the animal makes.  After a reading or two, I am confident your little one will be helping you along with those animal sounds.

The book is a sturdy board book making it nice for smaller children to hold and look at without fear of tearing.  The cover itself is a bit padded.   The overall size is a generous 8.5"x 8.5" , with rounded corners, making it a bit larger than many board books.

This book definitely goes on my list of baby gift books.  I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.  Thank you Zonderkidz for another sweet story to introduce young children to God's love and provision.

Baa! Oink! Moo! God Made the Animals