I selected this book simply because of the Charleston, SC area setting, never remembering having read any other novels by Dorothy Love but I wasn't disappointed. What I found was an author whose pen brings history to life and makes the reader feel as if she is part of the story as one who is learning to live in the aftermath of the Civil War when the southern way of life was totally turned upside down. Ms. Love is an author I will be looking for in the future as historical fiction is my favorite. I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Carolina Gold
I selected this book simply because of the Charleston, SC area setting, never remembering having read any other novels by Dorothy Love but I wasn't disappointed. What I found was an author whose pen brings history to life and makes the reader feel as if she is part of the story as one who is learning to live in the aftermath of the Civil War when the southern way of life was totally turned upside down. Ms. Love is an author I will be looking for in the future as historical fiction is my favorite. I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Excellent Biblical fiction
Chapter one introduces the priest, Iddo and his family. After years of Iddo's nightmares of his capture and his never ending desire to return to the Promised Land, King Cyrus is finally releasing the Jewish people to return to their land and rebuild the temple. Iddo's passion for doing so has not wavered but he finds that all the Jewish people don't have that same passion. Babylon is "home", a pagan world they have grown comfortable in, and their love for and faith in the one true God has wavered. Even his own sons wish to remain in Babylon. Only his grandson, Zechariah, desires to go to the land of his forefathers and it takes an "act of God" to convince him but his decision to do so changes everything.
Lynn Austin has successfully brought to life the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Not only does the story bring to life the characters from those Old Testament books, much of the story comes straight from scripture. Ms. Austin's books are always among my favorites and this one is no exception. Her writings demonstrate that she is well researched and thorough. Her novels are typically lengthy but not filled with fluff. This one is no exception. I love how she makes me feel as if I am walking alongside these Biblical characters. A must read for any historical fiction reader. Return to Me is the first installment in the Restoration Chronicles. I look forward to the furture installments.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Three Christmas Novellas in One Volume!
For a year, Beth has mourned over the death of her fiancé. Everyone is
encouraging her to move on but she is still dressed in black and appears content
to live above and work in the dry goods store with her spinster Aunt Lizzy.
Lizzy fears that Beth may hold on to the past forever and end up just like
her--alone. Every day Beth pastes on a smile that would leave most to believe
she is okay but it is the secret she hides that makes her hesitant to open her
heart even if the man be to the artist who stirs her soul with his work.
Mattie runs her own shop and is fulfilling her dream of being a cake decorator after having her heart broken and leaving Pennsylvania for Ohio. Mattie has found someone new, Sol, whom she plans to marry--some day. But Mattie lacks the bond with Sol that should be present with the one you want to spend the rest of your life with even if Sol does have all the characteristics she ever wanted in a husband. So why does her ex-fiance, Gideon's, voice keep popping up in her head? When tragedy strikes, Mattie is forced to return to her Pennsylvania home. Here she will be faced with the truth behind her broken heart.
Sadie has finally found love--Daniel. That is until Daniel betrayed Sadie, with her own cousin whom she had invited to visit for the months leading up to hers and Daniel's wedding. But her whole family believes exactly as she does. If she doesn't marry Daniel, she will never marry. Sadie is torn between suffering the scorn of calling off a wedding and being strong enough to marry the man who has lied to her. Unable to bear either, she moves away and is permitted to go on Mennonite mission trips to Peru until her family insists she return home several years later. Might she open her heart and learn t o trust again?
Christmas in Apple Ridge is a collection of three Amish novels in one, all of which are centered around the Christmas season. Each story is connected through either family or friendship. The first two novellas have been released previously but the third story is new and a continuation of the first two. Difficult circumstances resulting in broken people who, through God and the love of his people, begin to heal and open their hearts again make for some very believable and touching characters. As always, Cindy Woodsmall does an excellent job of capturing the Amish way of life and includes an Amish soap recipe for the reader to try their hand at the Amish way of doing things. I have never been disappointed in a Cindy Woodsmall book and this one is no exception. There are times when escaping to a less commercial, "simple" lifestyle sounds quite appealing and doing so in the pages of an Amish story is preferable to my cutting off the electricity. They were all a joy to read and got better with each one.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Mattie runs her own shop and is fulfilling her dream of being a cake decorator after having her heart broken and leaving Pennsylvania for Ohio. Mattie has found someone new, Sol, whom she plans to marry--some day. But Mattie lacks the bond with Sol that should be present with the one you want to spend the rest of your life with even if Sol does have all the characteristics she ever wanted in a husband. So why does her ex-fiance, Gideon's, voice keep popping up in her head? When tragedy strikes, Mattie is forced to return to her Pennsylvania home. Here she will be faced with the truth behind her broken heart.
Sadie has finally found love--Daniel. That is until Daniel betrayed Sadie, with her own cousin whom she had invited to visit for the months leading up to hers and Daniel's wedding. But her whole family believes exactly as she does. If she doesn't marry Daniel, she will never marry. Sadie is torn between suffering the scorn of calling off a wedding and being strong enough to marry the man who has lied to her. Unable to bear either, she moves away and is permitted to go on Mennonite mission trips to Peru until her family insists she return home several years later. Might she open her heart and learn t o trust again?
Christmas in Apple Ridge is a collection of three Amish novels in one, all of which are centered around the Christmas season. Each story is connected through either family or friendship. The first two novellas have been released previously but the third story is new and a continuation of the first two. Difficult circumstances resulting in broken people who, through God and the love of his people, begin to heal and open their hearts again make for some very believable and touching characters. As always, Cindy Woodsmall does an excellent job of capturing the Amish way of life and includes an Amish soap recipe for the reader to try their hand at the Amish way of doing things. I have never been disappointed in a Cindy Woodsmall book and this one is no exception. There are times when escaping to a less commercial, "simple" lifestyle sounds quite appealing and doing so in the pages of an Amish story is preferable to my cutting off the electricity. They were all a joy to read and got better with each one.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
A Christmas Gift for Rose
Jonathan knew he couldn't stand the Englisch gazes and comments and stand by and do nothing when so many other men were giving their all for the war effort. Even though the war is over, the results of his choice and the war itself may be with him the rest of his life.
Tricia Goyer has woven an Amish tale of love, faith, sacrifice, and forgiveness that is set in one of the most magical times of year--the Christmas season. It is full of surprises with the twists and turns that will keep you guessing. For an enjoyable afternoon read, pick up the new novella, A Christmas Gift for Rose, for your own reading pleasure or as the perfect gift. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the story felt complete even though short.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
The Women of Christmas
Three women. All chosen by God. All played a vital role in Jesus' birth as did the men in their lives. After reading The Women of Christmas, you may have a better understanding of why God chose them and what they can still teach us today--to wait on the Lord, to trust Him with everything, and to pray until your prayers are answered.
Christmas is so much more than a holiday filled with glittering lights, music, cookies, fancy bows, and parties. It is a season for reflection, preparation, and renewal. Perhaps you already know the stories of Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna but Liz Curtis Higgs' writing will help you see them in a new and fresh way. The book is also scattered with the thoughts and quotes from women who participated in an on-line Bible study such as "When the circumstances of life threaten to overwhelm me, I remember Mary's response to God's appointed plan--one that meant great cost to her, one of suffering and not understanding all God was doing. Her example of simple but complete trust has encouraged me through some difficult hours". The Women of Christmas also contains a thorough study guide which can be used for small group study or personal advent reading.
I always enjoy Liz Curtis Higgs' humor and writing. While this isn't my favorite of hers, I did very much enjoy the fresh look at the nativity story and plan to revisit this title beginning the first of December. It is a quick read if you wish to do it in one sitting and would make a great ladies group study book for the months leading up to Christmas.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Christmas is so much more than a holiday filled with glittering lights, music, cookies, fancy bows, and parties. It is a season for reflection, preparation, and renewal. Perhaps you already know the stories of Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna but Liz Curtis Higgs' writing will help you see them in a new and fresh way. The book is also scattered with the thoughts and quotes from women who participated in an on-line Bible study such as "When the circumstances of life threaten to overwhelm me, I remember Mary's response to God's appointed plan--one that meant great cost to her, one of suffering and not understanding all God was doing. Her example of simple but complete trust has encouraged me through some difficult hours". The Women of Christmas also contains a thorough study guide which can be used for small group study or personal advent reading.
I always enjoy Liz Curtis Higgs' humor and writing. While this isn't my favorite of hers, I did very much enjoy the fresh look at the nativity story and plan to revisit this title beginning the first of December. It is a quick read if you wish to do it in one sitting and would make a great ladies group study book for the months leading up to Christmas.
I received this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Beverly Lewis' latest
I have almost sworn off any more Amish stories but who can refuse Beverly Lewis? I have been reading her works for close to twenty years so won't stop now and she never disappoints even with a topic that is currently way overwritten. Oddly enough, the same day my review copy came in the mail, my mother was meeting her in a bookstore to purchase the same book.
Since age eleven, Jennifer Burns has been enamored with the Amish people She has subscribed to their newspaper, exchanged letters with an Amish girl she befriended, visited Lancaster County Pennsylvania each summer, and read everything she could find about their ways. Jennifer even felt she had been born in the wrong era and that she never quite fit in with her siblings and parent's way of life. When Jennifer sells everything she owns in order to move to Lancaster and become Amish, all are shocked but Rebbecca and Samuel Lapp provide a place for her to stay even though it isn't customary to do so. What she didn't do before leaving her old life was tell her family what her plans were.
When Jennifer arrives in Hickory Hollow, Rebecca is immediately taken with her. However, others in the Amish community aren't so quick to win over and trust an Englischer. Jennifer isn't discouraged though and is determined to be part of the faith. Her journey takes her in directions she didn't quite expect.
Even though written as part of a series, this book easily stands alone and Ms. Lewis fills the reader in on events that happend in previous installments. Even though another Amish fiction, the slant that Ms. Lewis takes on a person being raised in the Englisch world wanting to become Amish is enjoyable. To be honest, I've never read anything by Beverly Lewis that I didn't thoroughly enjoy and "The Secret Keeper" is no exception. Thank you for another enjoyable read, Ms. Lewis!
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Since age eleven, Jennifer Burns has been enamored with the Amish people She has subscribed to their newspaper, exchanged letters with an Amish girl she befriended, visited Lancaster County Pennsylvania each summer, and read everything she could find about their ways. Jennifer even felt she had been born in the wrong era and that she never quite fit in with her siblings and parent's way of life. When Jennifer sells everything she owns in order to move to Lancaster and become Amish, all are shocked but Rebbecca and Samuel Lapp provide a place for her to stay even though it isn't customary to do so. What she didn't do before leaving her old life was tell her family what her plans were.
When Jennifer arrives in Hickory Hollow, Rebecca is immediately taken with her. However, others in the Amish community aren't so quick to win over and trust an Englischer. Jennifer isn't discouraged though and is determined to be part of the faith. Her journey takes her in directions she didn't quite expect.
Even though written as part of a series, this book easily stands alone and Ms. Lewis fills the reader in on events that happend in previous installments. Even though another Amish fiction, the slant that Ms. Lewis takes on a person being raised in the Englisch world wanting to become Amish is enjoyable. To be honest, I've never read anything by Beverly Lewis that I didn't thoroughly enjoy and "The Secret Keeper" is no exception. Thank you for another enjoyable read, Ms. Lewis!
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Historical Fiction At Its Best
Susanna Smith has always known she would marry up. She really had no choice. She wants to help the less fortunate and that is the means to do so. But she cringes at being a part of what attracts a prestigious husband. "If only she could flirt as effortlessly" as her beautiful sister Mary.
Benjamin Ross came from a farming family and is a rising country lawyer who wants to change his world. Even though the colonies are still under British rule, he dreams of life without the king's tyranny. He and Susanna had played together as children but does he remember her and her vain words? The two are drawn together as adults but Benjamin knows he is not what Susanna is expected to marry. Throughout the story, both must struggle with what they feel is ethical vs. what is lawful.
I love Ms. Hedlund's attention to historical detail and her work is well researched. This is my favorite time period in American history, on the eve of the American Revolution, set in Massachusetts where much of the unrest and uncertainty to the colonies' future was most vividly felt. Ms. Hedlund has created two characters full of passion for what they believe in and struggling to fulfill the roles expected of the in a story filled with romance, mystery and drama. If you love historical fiction, this is one you won't want to put down. Available in bookstores this week.
I did receive this book free from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Friday, August 23, 2013
The Governess of Highland Hall
Sir William, the children's father, has just inherited Highland Hall and had no idea of the financial state of affairs. He has only four months to find the money to pay the taxes. He has too many people depending on him to let anything happen to their home but where will he come up with the money he needs. His late wife doesn't make him desiring to marry again anytime soon but is that the answer to his financial problems?
Some may compare this book to a Christian version of everyone's current favorite PBS series, Downtown Abbey. I would say that is the exact image I had in my mind when reading this. I enjoyed each of the characters, the storyline, and the way the author gradually changed the characters, particularly Sir William, into a man of strong faith, ready to move beyond his past. If you enjoy a sweet romance, The Governess of Highland Hall is a good read. This was my first by Carrie Turansky but I hope not my last. On sale 10/15/2013 but available for pre-order.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Harriet Beamer Stikes Gold
Harriet Beamer has moved from Pennsylvania to California to move in with her son and daughter-in-law at their request but it just doesn't feel like home. Her attitude changes a bit when her best friend plans a visit, her daughter-in-law announces she is pregnant, and a new "Grammy" suite is planned. She even begins to make a local friend and finds a gold mine to invest in.
The positives first: I liked the fact that 72 year old Harriet is the main character and that she has more spunk than most women half her age. I also liked the fact that a son and daughter-in-law were willing to take in Harriet even though their house was small and they knew that her adjustments would be big, leaving behind everything familiar in PA. However, that is where my positives end. I felt like the conversation was trivial and trite, the language simple to a fault, the characters not very well created, and was almost offended that Harriet could meet a 17 year old girl and her father and the same day hand over a huge amount of money to them. Is anyone really that gullible? I really didn't even want to finish the book and probably won't read any more Harriet Beamer books. I think I'm pretty diversified in my reading taste and fairly easy to please but this one just didn't impress. Sorry, Ms. Magnin.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
The positives first: I liked the fact that 72 year old Harriet is the main character and that she has more spunk than most women half her age. I also liked the fact that a son and daughter-in-law were willing to take in Harriet even though their house was small and they knew that her adjustments would be big, leaving behind everything familiar in PA. However, that is where my positives end. I felt like the conversation was trivial and trite, the language simple to a fault, the characters not very well created, and was almost offended that Harriet could meet a 17 year old girl and her father and the same day hand over a huge amount of money to them. Is anyone really that gullible? I really didn't even want to finish the book and probably won't read any more Harriet Beamer books. I think I'm pretty diversified in my reading taste and fairly easy to please but this one just didn't impress. Sorry, Ms. Magnin.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Into the Whirlwind
That very night, the Great Chicago fire destroys much of Chicago forcing many from their homes and businesses. Ironically, it is Zack who saves Mollie from the all consuming fire and together they are faced with having to rebuild their beloved city and their livelihood. Zack, a very powerful and influential man in the city, is accustomed to getting what he wants and Mollie and her company are what he has chosen to pursue. However, Mollie isn't quite so convinced she can trust this man.
I loved Into the Whirlwind. In a time where women were not commonly such strong characters as well as owners of such businesses, Elizabeth Camden did an excellent job of creating just such a woman. She also wove the perfect amount of history about the Great Fire into the story, taking the reader right into the streets of Chicago. For historical fiction readers, pick up your copy today at your local bookstore or library--an excellent read drawing the reader in from the beginning.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Prairie Song
Anna Goben has so much resting on her 18 year old shoulders! Since her brother died a year and a half ago, she has been supporting her family and comes so close to marrying for the wrong reasons. There is a wagon train going west and headed out from St. Charles, MO in a week and she must make certain she and her remaining family are on it. Otherwise, they may never have the fresh start they need to overcome the grief of her brother's death. The young man and friend she leaves standing at the alter is one of the trail hands leading that wagon train so the next five months could be a bit uncomfortable. However, Anna and her family are not the only ones on the journey hiding from their past.
Likewise, Caroline Milburn's life changed with the Civil War when her husband didn't come home. Escaping her most unpleasant brother-in-law and hoping for a life of her own leads her to pack what she has remaining and serve as a nanny along the way. Her hopes and dreams died with her husband but is it possible that she find joy again?
Prairie Song is the first in the Hearts Seeking Home series and Mona Hodgson has done an exceptional job depicting the time period and characters. You will love Anna as well as her friends traveling with her and find encouragement in how God works in their lives during the journey to California. Many trials and adventures enter into the story just like anyone who traveled across the country in the mid 18th century.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Prairie Song is the first in the Hearts Seeking Home series and Mona Hodgson has done an exceptional job depicting the time period and characters. You will love Anna as well as her friends traveling with her and find encouragement in how God works in their lives during the journey to California. Many trials and adventures enter into the story just like anyone who traveled across the country in the mid 18th century.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The Wishing Tree
This the the second book I have read by Marybeth Whalen, the first being The Guest Book. A beach escape is just what the doctor ordered for summer so, since I can't make the trip, Marybeth has taken me there through her writings about a beach area very similar to the one I went to growing up. The Wishing Tree is a sweet story of forgiveness, mending relationships and loving others in spite of past hurts and failures. Put this one on your list of summer reads!
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Gone South
Michigan girl, Tish McCombs, may be ready to begin again after an accident that left her heart and dreams crushed. When she find that her great-great-grandparent's home is on the market in the deep South of Alabama, she ventures down to take a look, memories of visiting there with her father when he was living still fresh in her mind. She only wanted to see the house. Reconnect with her roots. What she didn't expect was to fall in love with it. Usually predictable, Tish decides to buy the house and leave her past in Michigan behind. What catches Tish totally off guards is that McCombs aren't welcome in this little town. Not only are they not welcome but there are grudges and hard feelings toward her ancestors that have lasted since the Civil War!
Mel is hitchhiking, trying to figure out where to land since the rift between she and her family over her taking something she thinks is rightfully hers. When Mel is forced to leave behind all the money she has saved, she has no choice to return home but her family turns her away.
Two outcasts. Mel is homeless and
Tish has plenty of space and is virtually friendless but can she trust Mel? George Zorbas (whose mother one lived in the home Tish has just purchased) is the only one who seems willing to give the two a chance and both of them need healing and a new start.
Meg Moseley has done a fabulous job of capturing small town Southern life. Even down to the lack of trust to "outsiders" is accurate and believable. If you enjoy a tale with a bit of mystery, surprise turns, small-town life, and a touch of romance, Gone South is definitely worth your time. If you're like me, the cover is enough to make you pick it up and begin to read. This is my first read by author Meg Moseley, but I hope it won't be the last. Perhaps a sequel to Gone South? There were enough unanswered questions at the end of the book to consider that a possibility.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.
Mel is hitchhiking, trying to figure out where to land since the rift between she and her family over her taking something she thinks is rightfully hers. When Mel is forced to leave behind all the money she has saved, she has no choice to return home but her family turns her away.
Two outcasts. Mel is homeless and
Tish has plenty of space and is virtually friendless but can she trust Mel? George Zorbas (whose mother one lived in the home Tish has just purchased) is the only one who seems willing to give the two a chance and both of them need healing and a new start.
Meg Moseley has done a fabulous job of capturing small town Southern life. Even down to the lack of trust to "outsiders" is accurate and believable. If you enjoy a tale with a bit of mystery, surprise turns, small-town life, and a touch of romance, Gone South is definitely worth your time. If you're like me, the cover is enough to make you pick it up and begin to read. This is my first read by author Meg Moseley, but I hope it won't be the last. Perhaps a sequel to Gone South? There were enough unanswered questions at the end of the book to consider that a possibility.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
New Amish romance/mystery
First of all, let me say that I have never read anything by Cindy Woodsmall that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed but do you ever feel like you've walked in on the middle of a conversation? I try to make it my reading "policy" never to read a series unless in order and usually until not all are published as I get impatient waiting for the next book to be released. I probably should have adhered to my "policy". Ms. Woodsmall, thankfully, did begin Winnowing Season with a brief summary of book 1, A Season for Tending but I still felt like I was missing a lot of character development and plot that would have allowed me to grab onto The Winnowing Season a bit quicker than I did. However, as always, Ms. Woodsmall has again written another fabulous Amish story that deviates quite a bit from what I have come to expect from the plethora of Amish novels being written today. So, pick it up and hurry. Book 3, For Every Season will be on bookstore shelves this September and these first two will leave you hanging and ready for more! In a nutshell, you can't go wrong with any of Ms. Woodsmall's books. To find out more on the author and read first chapters from her novels, check out http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/author-spotlight.php?authorid=72213.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
The Icecutter's Daughter
When Ruruk Jorgenson is called by his Uncle Carl to leave Kansas and come to Minnesota to help with the furniture making business, he leaves behind a "fiance" he's not certain is the woman for him since he loves her like a sister, not the way he hopes to love a wife. When he meets Merrill, he is drawn to her strength and isn't bothered by her brothers or lack of trivial femininity. But Ruruk's past isn't going to be easy to leave behind when his former fiance and brother show up, bringing questions about Rurk's integrity. Merrill thinks she truly knows Ruruk's heart but it may prove to be a challenge to trust.
As always, Tracie Peterson authors a book hard to put down and a delight to read. You will love the characters and, if a historical fiction fan, the time period and setting--not your typical one. I also thoroughly enjoyed Merrill, a pretty tough, nonconforming girl in a time where sitting around visiting and drinking tea was more the norm. There was enough action and suspense to keep you turning the pages and not so many characters that leave you scratching your head wondering where that person came from. While some might say "The Icecutter's Daugher", the first in the Land of Shining Water series, is one of Ms. Peterson's best, that might be difficult for me to say as I haven't read anything by her I didn't thoroughly enjoy and she writes enough differing types of books that you are certain to find one that pleases.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.
Letters to Katie
Katherine Yoder yearns for a marriage and family like most young women. The fact that she is surrounded by happy marriages and the anticipation of new babies only deepens that longing. She is never idle, working at Mary Yoder's restaurant, helping her parents, sewing, needlework....but that doesn't fill the hole in her life. But perhaps God has plans that are different from hers.
For most of her teenage and adult life, Katherine has loved her best friend's twin brother, Johnny Mullet, but that love was never returned. Currently, Johnny is busy making his own way as he buys a farm which needs an overhaul and sets up his business raising horses. When a stranger arrives in town, Isaac, it makes Katherine wonder if perhaps she has been looking in the wrong direction for God's plan. Suddenly, he leaves but begins the two begin to write letters to one another. When illness strikes Katherine suddenly, each of these character's eyes open to what is truly important as they begin to seek God first, a lesson each of us can learn from.
Letters to Katie by Kathleen Fuller is the third installment in the Middlefield Family series following Treasuring Emma and Faithful to Laura but don't let that stop you from reading this delightful Amish centered story if you haven't read the other two. I started the series with this one and found that filling in any missing gaps was fairly easy to do and didn't detract from the story. There are quite a few characters in the book to keep up with that may have been easier to keep track of if I had read the other two books first but, again, did not keep me from enjoying the story itself. If you enjoy Amish fiction, Kathleen Fuller currently has about 10 to choose from. I found her style very easy and enjoyable to read and hope to have opportunity to read more of her writings.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
For most of her teenage and adult life, Katherine has loved her best friend's twin brother, Johnny Mullet, but that love was never returned. Currently, Johnny is busy making his own way as he buys a farm which needs an overhaul and sets up his business raising horses. When a stranger arrives in town, Isaac, it makes Katherine wonder if perhaps she has been looking in the wrong direction for God's plan. Suddenly, he leaves but begins the two begin to write letters to one another. When illness strikes Katherine suddenly, each of these character's eyes open to what is truly important as they begin to seek God first, a lesson each of us can learn from.
Letters to Katie by Kathleen Fuller is the third installment in the Middlefield Family series following Treasuring Emma and Faithful to Laura but don't let that stop you from reading this delightful Amish centered story if you haven't read the other two. I started the series with this one and found that filling in any missing gaps was fairly easy to do and didn't detract from the story. There are quite a few characters in the book to keep up with that may have been easier to keep track of if I had read the other two books first but, again, did not keep me from enjoying the story itself. If you enjoy Amish fiction, Kathleen Fuller currently has about 10 to choose from. I found her style very easy and enjoyable to read and hope to have opportunity to read more of her writings.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
A Clearing in the Wild
This life is all seventeen year old Emma remembers but yet she longs for more and begins to question the ways of the teaching of their leader, Father Wilhelm Keil. While the new thoughts within the colony are to remain single so that one can devote their time to the Lord, Emma hopes this will be her last Christmas as a single woman and she can't seem to escape the thoughts of independence and being able to speak her mind and make her own decisions, all characteristics considered undesirable for Bethel women. When the grumblings of potential war between the North and the South begin to make their way into the Bethel community, a decision must be made as to whether or not the colony can remain in Bethel or must move farther west to escape being drawn into the war that seems inevitable.
Typically, Jane Kirkpatrick takes a real historical character and weaves a believable story about their lives, filling in with fictional details that history books and biographys don't tell. She has done the same with the colony of Bethel, MO. Ms. Kirkpatrick has proven to be an author who thoroughly researches the time period she is representing and A Clearing in the Wild is no exception. I very much appreciate her attention to detail and accuracy even though it does sometimes bog down the story a bit. In reading, I tend to be more of a "let's get the story moving and let my imagination fill in some of the details" kind of reader. This isn't Ms. Kirkpatrick's style but I love historical fiction so enjoy her books as well even if they aren't ones that "grab" me. For more on the author, visit http://www.jkbooks.com/
I did receivet shi book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Dealing with idolatry
Proverbs 4:23 tells us "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Your heart determines it all--what you do, say, and think. Because of that, your heart is the front line for gods at war. In order to deal with our idol issues, we first must deal with the heart since that is the root of all our thoughts emotions, and actions. What good would it do to simply deal with the "mask" of the idol (greed, for example) if we never deal with the source of the problem?
It is hard to see ourselves as idol worshipers but Idleman has some keys questions that may bring out the truth:
- What disappoints you? When you feel overwhelmed by disappointment, it is a good sign that something has become way too important to you and you have placed your hope in something other than God.
-What do you complain about the most? What we complain about reveals what really matters to us.
- Where do you make financial sacrifices? Where your money goes shows what is winning your heart.
- What worries you? Whatever keeps you awake at night has potential of becoming an idol.
-Where is your sanctuary? A friend? Food? God is our help in time of need. Does your life reflect that?
- What infuriates you? Maybe your temper reveals your true idol. Yourself.
- What are your dreams? What is your motivation for those dreams? Your glory or God's?
But God is a jealous god. There is room for only one in our lives. So what do we do about all the idols in our lives? We are made to worship. It is in our make-up. Will you worship the idols in your life or the one true God?
In gods at War, Idleman addresses many of the things that tend to become idols on our lives and helps the reader deal with the root of the issue. I can't say enough about the book as it will be one I read a number of time rather than passing it on or gathering dust on a shelf. It helped open my eyes to my own idols, even ones I didn't know existed or could be idols. A must read for every Christian.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
A Matter of Trust
When Mia Quinn's husband, Scott, died in a car accident, she had no choice but to return to work at the King County District Attorney's office as a lawyer. Talking on the phone one evening to her co-worker and friend, Colleen, Mia is considered a "witness" to Colleen's murder when a gunshot cuts that conversation short. Feeling she has no option but to remain on the phone line, she hands the phone over to her teen son to listen to Colleen's labored breaths, hoping Colleen will reveal what has happened, while she hurries to Colleen's aid. But Mia was too late.
Having lost both a husband and friend in such a short time, Mia is devastated. But since Scott's death, there have been many surprises and secrets revealed, none of them good. So when Mia is asked to find and prosecute her friend's murderer, she feels she has no choice but to accept the job. But balancing work and being a single parent proves to be quite the challenge, especially with a teen son who is desperately trying to fit in at school and a preschool daughter who has recently been having what appears to be terrible nightmares and waking up screaming.
Christian murder mysteries aren't all the numerous and I must say I was pleasantly surprised with Lisa Wiehl's new series introducing Mia Quinn and police detective Charlie Carlson who works with Mia to find the killer. Ms. Wiehl will keep you guessing until the end as to who the real killer is, leaving nuggets of evidence along the way leading the reader to that revelation. I loved both the main characters, Mia and Charlie, even if the teen son Gabe did bug me a bit. I just wanted him to show his mother the respect she deserved as his parent. I look forward to reading additional books in this series.
A Matter of Trust also contains a series of questions perfect for reading group discussions.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. Released today, March 19, 2013 from Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Having lost both a husband and friend in such a short time, Mia is devastated. But since Scott's death, there have been many surprises and secrets revealed, none of them good. So when Mia is asked to find and prosecute her friend's murderer, she feels she has no choice but to accept the job. But balancing work and being a single parent proves to be quite the challenge, especially with a teen son who is desperately trying to fit in at school and a preschool daughter who has recently been having what appears to be terrible nightmares and waking up screaming.
Christian murder mysteries aren't all the numerous and I must say I was pleasantly surprised with Lisa Wiehl's new series introducing Mia Quinn and police detective Charlie Carlson who works with Mia to find the killer. Ms. Wiehl will keep you guessing until the end as to who the real killer is, leaving nuggets of evidence along the way leading the reader to that revelation. I loved both the main characters, Mia and Charlie, even if the teen son Gabe did bug me a bit. I just wanted him to show his mother the respect she deserved as his parent. I look forward to reading additional books in this series.
A Matter of Trust also contains a series of questions perfect for reading group discussions.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. Released today, March 19, 2013 from Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Upside-down prayers for parents
Upside-Down Prayers for Parents was written as a 31 day devotional for parents. Each "chapter" begins with a short scripture followed by a few pages of text, to make the prayer Ms. Bergren is encouraging you to pray seem a bit more understandable as she conveys her thoughts and personal experiences and stories. Each day also leaves the reader to ponder a fairly thought provoking question and then suggests questions that promote discussion between you and your child whether young, teens, or young adults. Each entry is simple to read but it may just change the way you think about your prayer life for your child.
Some of these things are just hard to pray for. I think, for me, rather than praying my child will lose a job, suffer loss, face financial hardships, and take crazy risks, I will focus more on praying for what could be gained from those circumstances and let God take care of how that happens. I have spent most of my adult life trying to protect my children from such things and perhaps that isn't what I should do but God is going to have to work on me a bit to pray hardships on my children.
Good book and quite thought provoking but get ready for some reading that may challenge how you have prayed for your children!
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
The Tutor's Daughter
Several years back, Mr. Smallwood had two students, Phillip and Henry Weston. No two brothers could have been more different. Henry always teased and was unkind, promising Emma she would be a spinster. Phillip was just the opposite in befriending Emma. If memory serves her correctly, Phillip Weston has two half brothers who are of age and in need of an education so she writes a letter to his father hoping they will be her father's new students.
When the return letter arrives, a door is opened when Mr. Smallwood is asked to travel to Cornwall to tutor the two boys rather than them being sent to him. Mr. Smallwood has a glint in his eye that Emma hasn't seen in too long as she agrees to accompany him. After all, a change of scenery will be good for both of them, won't it? Needless to say, Henry's previous treatment of Emma doesn't leave her eager to see him again.
When they arrive, they find that their arrival wasn't expected. Strange things begin to happen around the house, especially to Emma, and secrets seem to abound. What are the Westons hiding and who is behind the strange noises and odd happenings (appearances and disappearances)?
I loved the beautiful English country/seaside setting. The characters were well developed and the mystery with its twists and turns that usually isn't present in historical romance added to my interest. Not quite as predictable as some either. I haven't read any other of Julie Klassen's books the The Tutor's Daughter leaves me wanting to do so. Others have compared her to Jane Austin and, while I can see some similarities and Ms. Klassen does love Jane Austin's work, let me assure you that The Tutor's Daughter is much easier to read than anything Jane Austin. Pick up a copy today. I don't think you will be disappointed if you are a historical fiction reader. Check out the book trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZi5NQbkb0A&list=UUOTCh77FT1ZAyg-Mrj97HWw&index=4.
I did receive this book free from Bethany House in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Moon Over Edisto
Julia Bennett's life as an artist in Manhattan was pretty much what she wanted. She had a show opening, a high profile art dealer boyfriend, and was content with that. Then her past begins knocking at her door in the form of her college friend and roommate, Marney, who destroyed the home life she thought pretty perfect until that summer almost 20 years ago.
But Marney needs Julia's help. She needs surgery and wants Julia to help care for her children during her recovery. Julia has very successfully avoided and has no desire to return to Edisto Island, SC to the place she and her family once vacationed, when they were a family. From her perspective, she owes Marney and her children absolutely nothing. Can Julia possibly begin to forgive Marney and, as a result, find true peace and happiness in her own life?
Each chapter is told by a different character's perspective (primarily three--Julia, Julia's mother Mary Ellen and Marney's middle child, Etta) which may be a bit confusing at first. However, I liked it after I got into the story. It allows the reader to easily see how both the events of the past and present, when seen through different eyes, are perceived differently and gives better understanding of the characters. The story was easy to read after sorting through the initial introduction of characters and a great escape to a simpler lifestyle. It is a wonderful story of forgiveness and restoration.
I originally requested this book because Edisto Island is a vacation spot I have just heard about and thought reading a book set in the area would give me a good feel for the island. I must say that I think Beth Hart has done a wonderful job of painting a picture of the area. It makes you want to go see the area for youself if you love the seaside. Close to Chareston, SC, Edisto is fully lowcountry, tranquil, and quaint. Perhaps Edisto is our spring break vacation spot?
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.

But Marney needs Julia's help. She needs surgery and wants Julia to help care for her children during her recovery. Julia has very successfully avoided and has no desire to return to Edisto Island, SC to the place she and her family once vacationed, when they were a family. From her perspective, she owes Marney and her children absolutely nothing. Can Julia possibly begin to forgive Marney and, as a result, find true peace and happiness in her own life?
Each chapter is told by a different character's perspective (primarily three--Julia, Julia's mother Mary Ellen and Marney's middle child, Etta) which may be a bit confusing at first. However, I liked it after I got into the story. It allows the reader to easily see how both the events of the past and present, when seen through different eyes, are perceived differently and gives better understanding of the characters. The story was easy to read after sorting through the initial introduction of characters and a great escape to a simpler lifestyle. It is a wonderful story of forgiveness and restoration.
I originally requested this book because Edisto Island is a vacation spot I have just heard about and thought reading a book set in the area would give me a good feel for the island. I must say that I think Beth Hart has done a wonderful job of painting a picture of the area. It makes you want to go see the area for youself if you love the seaside. Close to Chareston, SC, Edisto is fully lowcountry, tranquil, and quaint. Perhaps Edisto is our spring break vacation spot?
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
One Month To Love: 30 days to deeper relationships
What is truly important to you? In the end, it will all about relationships. Everyone longs to be treasured for who they are, understood, and valued, in spite of our weaknesses. We want deep and rewarding relationships with others.
While not written as a devotional book, One Month To Love: 30 days to grow and deepen your closest relationships could be used for that purpose and what better 30 days to choose that the ones leading up to Valentine's Day? What would you do if you knew that you had only 30 days to show someone how deeply you loved them, that in 30 days they would be stripped from your life or you from theirs? Even if you have more than 30 days with those you love, don't you want those relationships to be all they can be? One Month to Love by Kerry and Chris Shook is broken down into 30 short chapters, one for each day of the month, giving you ideas and tools you can use to ensure that those you care so much about know how important they are and that you have a truly meaningful relationship with them. Breaking it down into 30 days allows you to put into practice each strategy the Shooks bring to light before moving on to the next day.
Might you be in the position of having fragile relationships in your life, whether it be with your spouse, children, siblings, or parents? One Month To Love will offer strategies you can use to help bring those relationship to a place of mending and restoration.
The Shooks have broken the critical pieces of relationships into four categories, one for each week: The Art of Being All There, The Art of Acting Intentionally, The Art of Risking Awkwardness, and The Art of Letting Go. The ideas are simple, really, and easy to integrate into your everyday life--things such as being in the moment (definitely a shortcoming of mine), offering some intentional out-of-the box offerings of love, expressing your feelings, and letting go of hurt and pride. Uncertain how you will go about putting into practice these tools? Each chapter ends with a challenge box offering three ideas of how to do so.
If you do have relationship that aren't what you hoped they would be or if you simple want to strengthen those relationships that are already strong and healthy, One Month to Love will give you insight that will encourage you and change the way you love, not just those you do love. Will it be easy? Probably not but what relationship that is valuable to you is easy? Relationships take time and effort and God designed us to be in relationships both with Him and others. Make the most of the time you have with those who matter most to you.
For more information on the authors and other publications, visit http://waterbrookmultnomah.com/author-spotlight.php?authorid=75698
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Lord, I Give You This Day
Do you remember when you were first saved and you surrendered you life to Christ? Was that the only time you had to turn over your life and surrender your days to God? Probably not. For me, surrendering and recommitting my life to Christ is a daily and sometimes minute by minute thing. As Kay Arthur pens, "surrendering to God is not a one-time occurrence; it's a matter of continually bowing our hearts before the Lord, laying our desire for control at His feet (something I need to do just about every second says the reviewer), and rising again to do whatever He asks us to do, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Surrender means inviting the Potter to reshape us and transform us, moment by moment, into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. It means taking God at His work, trusting that He can and will use even our most painful circumstances for our good and His glory".
Easy? Not so much. However, in surrendering, it allows God to work through us and complete the work he began in us. Life changing? Yes!
Lord, I Give You This Day by Kay Arthur is a wonderful tool that will help you surrender each day to God's will and care through scripture, narrative, and prayer included in each daily devotional. Each is short enough to read in just a couple of minutes so no excuses for not beginning each day focusing your attention on the One who made you.
Most of my reviewed titles end up in one of three church libraries but not this one. I'm looking foward to beginning each day this year under the teaching and wisdom of an incredibly gifted author and seeing how God uses this book, her words, and the Holy Spirit to change me. Lord, I Give You This Day would also make a wonderful gift.
Thank you Kay Arthur for another great book designed to draw others closer to God.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
A welcome addition to my Christmas book collection
Everything Christmas. Just the title makes it almost perfect to me. There is no better time of the year than the days leading up to Christmas--time with family, anticipation of Christmas day, baking, Christmas carols, special movies.......
Everything Christmas is a book that can only enhance those days leading up to the celebration of our Savior's birth. There are twenty-four "chapters", one for every day in December leading up to Christmas day. Each contains quite a variety of pieces from short stories, decorating/craft ideas, recipes, ideas for activities to make for a meaningful season, to historical information about Christmas and traditions from around the world. Whether used as part of a private devotion or as a family time advent time together, Everything Christmas will become a book you pick up year after year. Many advent books have already been written but none that I am aware of like this one. I thoroughly enjoyed the direction this one took even if it did lack a bit on the true reason for the season. Don't think that I mean that Christ wasn't included in this book but more as a side-bar rather than the spotlight. My one regret: I will most likely wait til next Christmas season to enjoy the recipes and book to its fullest since I didn't have it in time for the 2012 advent season!
Whether you have been making family tradition for decades or are newlyweds attempting to create some new traditions for your family, Everything Christmas is packed full of ideas. I can't wait for next December!!!!
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
Secretly Smitten
Over the last year, the town of Smitten, Vermont has seen many changes. With all the townsfolk pitching in, Smitten has become a tourist destination, particularly for those seeking a romantic getaway. Authors Colleen Coble, Kristin Billerback, Diann Hunt, and Denise Hunter have also banned together to share four heartwarming stories of the citizens of Smitten.
In "Love Between the Lines", little Mia finds in the attic, the dog tags of a soldier believed to have been killed in the Korean War. But this wasn't just any soldier, this man was her great-grandmother's first love. As far as is known, the man's body and his tags were never recovered. So, how did they find their way into the attic of this Victorian home? The grandaughters won't simply leave it alone but long to get to the bottom of the story.
In "Make Me A Match", Zoe Thomas is opening her own matchmaking service. When single William Singer moves to Smitten as the new city manager, Zoe is moved by his handsome face but knows change is in store and that he will only be around long enough to make those changes. Or will things really go as Zoe first imagines?
Anna Thomas' knit shop, Sit 'n Knit is the primary setting in "Knit One, Love Two". When her husband left about ten years ago she wanted to fulfill a dream. The shop is her life and a place in Smitten where women came to be encouraged and creative. But love is the last thing she is interested in, especially another military man like her first husband. But Michael Conners is around quite a bit to help his mother who is a dear customer. Sparks and words begin to fly but could that be the beginning of something?
"Love Blooms" centers around Claire Thomas. Everyone had someone to love--except her. She had her plants. Not that she didn't love gardening but she was turning 30 soon and she hadn't found love much less a husband and the children she longed for. She certainly didn't want to end up like her old maid aunts. When a stranger shows up in Smitten looking for a job, Claire give him a chance.
Secretly Smitten is the second novel in the Smitten series. Each story is somewhat of a continuation of the prior one but has a different Smitten citizen as the main character. They will all warm your heart and keep you wanting more of the Mayberry-like town of Smitten. Are the stories predictable? Yes. But the characters are fun, quirky, and very lovable. The writing style of the four authors is quite similar so you most likely won't realize that you are reading something by a different author. I thoroughly enjoyed the first in the series but did enjoy this one even more. If you are looking for a light-hearted fun Christian romance novel, pick up Secretly Smitten.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to leave a positive review. The views are my own.
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