Do you remember when you were first saved and you surrendered you life to Christ? Was that the only time you had to turn over your life and surrender your days to God? Probably not. For me, surrendering and recommitting my life to Christ is a daily and sometimes minute by minute thing. As Kay Arthur pens, "surrendering to God is not a one-time occurrence; it's a matter of continually bowing our hearts before the Lord, laying our desire for control at His feet (something I need to do just about every second says the reviewer), and rising again to do whatever He asks us to do, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Surrender means inviting the Potter to reshape us and transform us, moment by moment, into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. It means taking God at His work, trusting that He can and will use even our most painful circumstances for our good and His glory".
Easy? Not so much. However, in surrendering, it allows God to work through us and complete the work he began in us. Life changing? Yes!
Lord, I Give You This Day by Kay Arthur is a wonderful tool that will help you surrender each day to God's will and care through scripture, narrative, and prayer included in each daily devotional. Each is short enough to read in just a couple of minutes so no excuses for not beginning each day focusing your attention on the One who made you.
Most of my reviewed titles end up in one of three church libraries but not this one. I'm looking foward to beginning each day this year under the teaching and wisdom of an incredibly gifted author and seeing how God uses this book, her words, and the Holy Spirit to change me. Lord, I Give You This Day would also make a wonderful gift.
Thank you Kay Arthur for another great book designed to draw others closer to God.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to write a positive review.
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