From Adam and Eve to the Resurrection,
Love Letters from God by Glenys Nellist is one of the most unique children's Bible story books I have ever seen and I LOVE it! Each story begins with a Biblical reference, tells the story in easy to understand language and ends with a scriptural promise. What is so unique is that each story includes a flip up "letter from God" that can be addressed to your child, making it personal. The book closes with an "invitation from God" to become a member of his team followed by a blank letter your child can write to God. Children will enjoy the colorful yet simple illustration and parents will love the tangible keepsake of their children accepting Christ into their lives. I wish there had been a tool like this when my children were little or I had had the wisdom to record what was going on in their minds and hearts when they first came to Christ.
I love Bible story books. I can remember my mother reading them to my younger sister every night before bed. I hate to say it, but sometimes our minds can grow dull to the stories we heard as children, almost reading the like rote memory. This book will change that. While written for children ages 4-8, I think this book will be enjoyed by both the reader and the child being read to. It far exceeded my expectations and I would like to share a copy with many children in my life. Two thumbs up!
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to write a positive review.
Thank you for the wonderful review of my book! Good is good!