Les Miserables has long been my favorite musical. The first time I saw it on stage, the spiritual undertones amazed me as that isn't typical for Broadway musicals. More recently, it was made into a touching movie which opened two years ago on Christmas Day. (Guess where I was Christmas afternoon that year!) What Bob Welch has done goes beyond the spiritual connections I was able to make to bring into light 52 life lessons one can take away from the book and musical. Each lesson is steeped in spiritual truth and values one can apply to their daily lives holding secrets to a more fulfilling life. From materialism to a judgmental spirit to looking for hidden opportunities, each lesson spoke to my heart. Now for the difficult task of application and bringing them to mind when life takes a turn. I also note that he has another volume based on one of America's favorite Christmas stories,
It's a Wonderful Life so once I get these lessons down, there are more to be discovered!
I love how Mr. Welch weaves in his own life experiences and takes the words of Victor Hugo and put them in simple easy to understand language. I might pull this out again, focusing on one lesson a week for the new year. Could it be coincidence that there are 52 weeks in a year and 52 lessons? For the general reader, I think watching either the movie or seeing the Broadway production would be almost essential to full understanding of what Mr. Welch is talking of. He does do an excellent job of filling in the reader who might not be familiar with the storyline but I don't think the takeaway as great if reading is your first exposure to Les Miserables.
Love the musical and love this book that helps me gain better understanding and deeper meaning and application to the story. Highly recommended for anyone who feels about Les Mis as I do. I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to leave a positive review.
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