Sleep. Such an incredible gift God gave us to restore our body. Doesn't every parent look forward to the time of day when they tuck in their children for bed? Not only because that means you, as a parent, can take care of some tasks that may have gone undone throughout the day but also because we can settle in for the evening and get some much needed rest.
Little Cub is having a good time playing with friends that she doesn't want to come inside and go to bed when Mama calls. Mama patiently explains the benefits of a good night's sleep, doesn't get angry when Little Cub finds every reason in the world to prolong getting into bed (sound familiar?) and then prays with Little Cub before leaving the room. But Little Cub just can't sleep very well and awakes on the "wrong side of the bed" making it a pretty miserable day. That night, she sleeps well and awakes with a whole new outlook.
God Gave us Sleep is just one in a series of God Gave Us books by Lisa Tawn Bergman. Little Cub is a constant character throughout and, in each, gains new insight into God's love. Each story has colorful watercolor illustrations, is hard bound, and the perfect length for a short bedtime story. The paper has a nice heavy feel and is slick and durable. I think each of these books in the series make a nice baby gift and will be adding this one to my next gift.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to leave a positive one.
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