WE CANNOT BE SILENT: Speaking truth to a culture redefining sex, marriage, and the very meaning of right & wrong. In some aspects, the title says it all. Our world seems to have taken everything good and holy and deemed moral and turned it into something shameful. In his latest book, Al Mohler claims that this cultural revolution is far from over. He says that what we, as Christians, have determined as the "straw that broke the camel's back" (my words, not his) in redefining marriage as anything other than being between a man and woman is not the start of the changes and certainly will not be the end. As Christians, we have a choice to make during these times. What should a Christian and the Church do in today's world?
Mohler's book sheds light on the historical path that led us to where we are now, from the acceptance of divorce to the homosexual movement and same sex marriages to the transgender movement. After revealing our treacherous path, Mohler takes us into Scripture to look at what the Bible says about sex and marriage and the proper response Christians should have in the wake of our times. Are we nearing the end of religious liberty and marriage? Mohler fears we just may be and today's church could be partially to blame.
To be honest, this isn't a book I wanted to read but I simply couldn't get it off my mind once I saw it. Fairly vocal on a normal basis, I didn't feel equipped to address this issue nor did I think I wanted to. However, it seems to me that if no one ever takes a stand, what is to keep the United States from being a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah? I call home a certain state that has been in national news for months because a woman refused to issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple. I admired her fortitude. Would I have done the same? It was time to discover exactly what my reaction should have been.
Mohler's book is a challenging one. It was provoke you to think about sexuality and marriage and your own beliefs at a deeper level than ever before. Is it one that is going to leave you feeling good about the world when finished? Probably not. However, I want to personally challenge each of you to pick up a copy and read it for yourself. His writing is straight forward and easy to understand. Read it over time though. Don't look at it as something to get read to check off your list. Read it and digest it as you go. Two thumbs up to Mohler for authoring a book that confronts this touchy, sensitive issue.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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