Do you find it difficult to get up in the morning a bit earlier to read the Bible or do you get up and other activities around the house take priority whether you want it to or not? Do you have a commute to work that you wish were more profitable? Perhaps you are someone or know of someone who doesn't care to read but listens well. If you find yourself in any of these boats, consider the New Testament (Old Testament also available) recently released by Thomas Nelson. Many audio books contain one and maybe a few more voices within the whole CD. Thomas Nelson has chosen a number of very well known men and women to portray the various voices throughout the New Testament. Included are John Schneider, Michael W. Smith, Lou Gossett Jr., and Richard Dreyfuss among others. The New Testament is complete in the easy to understand New King James Version in a 20 CD set.
I think this may be the last audio Bible you need to purchase. Now that I have posted the review, I look forward to listening to each CD in a more relaxed manner, allowing God's word to soak into my head and heart. What better way to spend my time in the car each morning and afternoon? The dramatically read Scripture allows me to form somewhat of a movie in my head and I feel that I can see the disciples and Jesus throughout. The set is quite affordable and I think you will be blessed more than you may think.
I did receive this set free from Thomas Nelson in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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