While the day is not yet upon us, I know it won't be long before my daughter will be planning the day of her dreams. While I want her to have a day that she will remember forever because of how special it made her feel, we will definitely be on a budget and can in no way complete with all the wedding shows she faithfully watches when she has school breaks on TV! Nor do I want to feel pressured to "keep up with the Joneses". But is it possible to have the "day of your dreams" for under $5000? I am still going to have to wait to see if my daughter jumps on board with the idea but Priceless Weddings for Under $5000 by Kathleen Kennedy has given me the tools to at least consider options rather than my daughter having to work for years to pay off her wedding just like many work to pay off school loans. Perhaps she will be able to work within the budget we allow her?
I loved the testimonials in the beginning of the book. So many "how to" books are theory so it is wonderful to know that someone has actually made this work. You may not be able to have a wedding that will be written up in the Post or featured on Four Weddings but I think if you follow the guidelines and prioritize what you really do want, a budget of $5,000 could be enough. The key, as usual, is who you know. Do you know someone who can make your wedding cake? Take photos? Alter your dress? Is spending thousands on a dress a priority for you or is something more affordable an option?
I guess some of the suggestions just won't work for many people but weddings used to be a time when friends and family all worked together to make it happen and be such a special day. If that time has passed, perhaps you won't find much use for several of the ideas. However, personally, I would like to see those days return. Even if you don't have family and friends ready to roll up their sleeves and help with your day, I think reading through the book offers a bride and her family much to consider and covers all the areas of planning the day of your dreams. You won't discover any magical formula but you will find wise options in one place with advice and thoughts given by someone who has more experience that I or anyone else I have access to.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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