Punderdome contains a set of 200 word cards, half green and half white. One of each is used to play each round of the game and the objective is to connect the two word prompts to make a pun. One player serves as the prompter for each round, turning over the two cards and serving as judge as to who came up with the best pun. Players have 90 seconds to create their pun unless they have earned extra time. The goal is to collect ten sets of card in order to be declared the winner. For example, you may select the words "shopping" and "board games". A possible pun might be, "I get 'board' shopping for games."
Two mystery prize envelopes are also included in the set. Host/hostess gets to determine what goes in the envelopes whether they be a white elephant, nice prize, or joke prize. A small timer might have been a nice extra to put in the small box package so that players wouldn't have to rely on their electronic devices as a timer. I think games are a time to disconnect from the electronic world.
Originally, I ordered this game for use with gifted middle school students since it is recommended for ages 12+ but only those with a pretty mature sense of humor would get the game. Even for adults, I think you would need to invite the right people to play. In my opinion, the puns on the back of the cards that earn a player or team an extra 30 seconds of brainstorming time are more p(f)un than trying to connect two random words to create your own pun. Don't get me wrong, I love puns and use them regularly. I just think the audience for this game is limited and you will need to look hard for other punny friends to play with.
Overall, I give this game 2.5 stars out of 5. It won't be on my go-to list but one I will pull out on occasion. I did receive this game free from the publisher and was in no way obligated to write a positive review.
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