Are you like me and you try to think of every little thing you may need plus extras and then come back from your trip having only worn a little over half the items you took? Or do you not have a mental or physical list and have to find a store of some sort as soon as or before you reach your destination? Or maybe you just throw things in your bag and appear as if you slept in your clothes your entire vacation and find it difficult to located anything in your bag. If you see yourself in any of these descriptions, How to Pack by Hitha Palepu may just offer you some assistance. Learn what types of bags might be best to fit your needs, tips for packing make-up and toiletry items, tips on the great debate between rolling or folding your items, how to get through security with ease, and much more. Only 110 pages stands between you and traveling/packing with confidence.
I travel in seasons of my life. Lately, my suitcase has been my constant companion but I was probably around 35 before I traveled much farther than my grandmother's house in the same state I lived so packing wasn't something I grew up doing or felt confident doing. However, over the years, I have developed a mental list of must have items I run through right before I zip up my bag. Rarely do I have to run to the store to get something I truly needs. Rarely, I will need one of those items that typically aren't needed except special occasions and a couple of those were added to the non-carry-on items right after 9/11. Even though I now consider myself a pretty efficient packer, I learned several new tips and realized what I might be doing wrong when I roll my clothing (it looks worse than those I fold!). I still need some help putting outfits together but that has been a long-time deficit of mine.
If you know travelers, whether for business or pleasure, I think the perfectly sized hard backed version of How to Pack makes a thoughtful gift. Even the most seasoned traveler can do so more efficiently. The book comes with several blank packing lists so you can create your own go-to lists for a number of various types of trips.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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