Filled with children's favorites for generations, the sturdy board book contains the following: Noah and the ark, the Exodus, Daniel and the Lion's Den, Jonah, Jesus' birth, the wedding at Cana, the lame man being healed by Jesus, feeding the five thousand, Jesus walking on water, the Last Supper, the Resurrection, and the big catch of fish when Jesus reveals Himself to his disciples. Through these stories, young ones will be introduced to Biblical principles such as God's will, His provision, obedience, how God can use any willing soul, and the miracles of Jesus among other things. And the stories are brief enough for even the youngest to sit still. Literally, I can read each page in about a minute or less but the scripture reference is included if you want to read the same story to older children of if your child has more questions. The best fun is opening the flaps to see what awaits. I think this book a perfect gift for any child ages 3 months through four years of age.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one. Two thumbs up!!!!

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