I have never been one to keep much of a journal but this one I feel could be a success story because the journaling each day would take only about three or four minutes. Each day of the year is given a page with a short question/prompt and lines to fill. What is unique about this particular journal is that each year only receives about 4 lines to fill and who can't do that? For example, every year for the next five, on Christmas you will answer "what happened today that you want to remember?" Respond to questions such as "What has someone said to you that inspired you?" or "How have you experienced God's providence?" or "What is something you are thankful for that you take for granted?" I love how you can look back over the years and either see how your responses remain very similar or change over time. What better way to see God's provision and presence in your life?
I like how the volume is hard bound and has a ribbon bookmark to allow the one journaling to easily find their place and it is sturdy enough to last through the years. Whether you are a person who already journals or someone, like me, who probably would benefit by getting in the habit, I highly recommend Waterbrook's new publication The Daily Question: My 5-year Spiritual Journal containing 365 questions, 5 years, and 1825 answers---well, almost. Comically, there are five spaces for February 29 and my calendar only has that date every four years.
I did receive this book free form the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one. This small 4x6 book would make a great stocking stuffer this Christmas.
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