One of my favorite moments of each day when my children were small was bedtime. Sometimes it was just that glorious moment when they calmed down and I could have a moment to do what needed to be done but it was also a special moment for bedtime stories. It seems often their hands would reach for the same story that was their favorite but I loved all books that either pointed them toward the love of their heavenly Father or helped them unwind and be ready for a good night's rest.
Night Night Jungle by Amy Parker uses jungle animals such as the sloth, lemur, and parrot for just such a bedtime story. In rhyming text, the animals are praying before they eat, brush their teeth, take one more splash in the water, beg for one more story.....all rituals our children go through every night then say "night, night".
The bright colorful illustrations by Virginia Allyn will engage the youngest "reader" and the sturdy board book pages will stand up to small hands turning them. The lightly padded cover also makes it a bit easier for small hands to grip and carry. I love that the text ends with reminding us that God loves us and the animals then a "night night" to God.
I am a huge fan of all board books as I don't think it is ever too early to begin to engage your child in the pleasures of reading. I am particularly fond of these sturdier volumes for children up to age 4 so that they can hold the book and turn the pages just like they see their parents doing without any concern of damage. I also like the fact that the author used some pretty obscure animals that can be used as a teaching tool. I may have been a young adult before I knew much of anything about a sloth. And a toucan was simply something on the front of a cereal box but I didn't know anything about its living environment. This book provides a good jumping off for children to investigate and find out more about the animals in the illustrations.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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