Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Becoming the Proverbs 31 woman

Product Details

Whenever given the opportunity to review a Liz Curtis Higgs book, I am in.  I first picked up a fiction title of hers years ago simply because she lives in Louisville, KY and had heard she had a good sense of humor.  While I didn't necessarily find the first book a one of humor (nor was it intended to be), Higgs' ability to engage me as a reader made her an author for me to remember.

How many of us have read Proverbs 31 and wondered how in the world any human woman could be all those things?  It was quite comforting when someone pointed out to me that she didn't display all those attributes in one day and most likely it would take a lifetime to allow God to mold me into anything close to a Proverbs 31 woman.  However, I was in for the journey and still feel so far from the finish line.

While Proverbs 31 is typically the part of the book we women look to for wisdom in becoming the wives God intends us to be,  Higgs has taken all of Proverbs and plucked nuggets of truth from the entire book.  Perfect for a devotional for a month as it is set up in thirty-one four to six pages chapters.  Each begins with a scripture verse followed by narrative from the author that doesn't fail to touch a chord.  Higgs closes each chapter with a suggested prayer to offer up to God related to the scripture and, something I love, a short practical application and encouragement.    While she intentionally published this book to be a one month study, I believe, for me, it will span months as I reread and commit those Proverbs to heart.

Liz Curtis Higgs has never disappointed and this volume is no exception.  Topics in 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path range from wisdom to contentment to submitting to God's will and ways just to name a few.  I am so looking forward to rereading this book in its entirety on a daily basis, allowing God to use His words through scripture and Higgs' words of wisdom she has gained from Him to transform this woman more to His likeness.

I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.  Thank you Liz Curtis Higgs for allowing God to use you to minister through your writing and speaking.

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