Leah has lived her life with an abusive father and a mother who will not stand up to him. When Leah's father decides it is time for her to marry, Leah prays that God will answer her prayer to allow her husband to be the Levite, Judah, the young man and the only man who had ever defended her. God answered her prayer as Judah was quite suitable in her father's eyes, not for Leah's benefit but his own.
One might think this marriage Leah prayed for would lead to a "happily ever after" ending but the nation of Judah is under attack by their very king and the sons of Abraham are threatened if they do not turn from their God. Resisting, Judah's father and others are prepared to lose their lives for their faith.
Written in first person, the chapters toggle between the perspective of both Leah and her husband Judah. Judah's Wife is a beautiful story of love, redemption, and courage. Angela Hunt never disappoints and this book is no exception. The novel was easy to read, flowed smoothly, and was one I hesitated to put down. While this book is published as part of a series entitled The Silent Years: A Novel of the Maccabees, I had no difficulty picking up and reading this novel without having read any others in the series. There were no holes in the storyline so I am uncertain if it is particular characters or simply the time period that binds them together. Whichever the case, I can highly recommend Judah's Wife if you enjoy historical fiction based on Biblical characters as much as I do. As with any Biblical fiction, just remember that this is an author's interpretation and not The Word itself.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to leave a positive one.