Probing is the third in the series of books written by friends, Bill Myers, Frank Peretti, Angela Hunt, and Alton Gansky. For me the word third presented a bit of a problem in reading this volume as this is the first in the series I have read and I felt like I was missing a lot of background information. However, I will attempt to write the review without dwelling on that fact.
Honestly, I chose this book simply because I loved the series Peretti wrote in the 80's or 90's on the supernatural even though it is definitely not my typical go-to genre. I was unfamiliar with two of the other author but Peretti had impressed me enough as a young adult that I wanted to give this series a try.
Each of the four authors write a novella with the same main characters who have unique supernatural gifts that, when put together, creates this novel. Myers writes about a new reality TV show that deals with how the world shapes our morality and how much darkness there is in the world. Peretti continues to deal with hidden evil. Neither of these stories captured my attention and I felt both jumped around a bit causing me to go back and see if I had missed a page.
I think the way the characters interact and use their gifts are a good reminder that we all have gifts God has given us to use for His glory and for good. I can't locate on the book anywhere if there are plans for another installment but this one left me with several questions so perhaps it is simply leaving the door open for that possibility. While not a big fan of fantasy or sci fi, I can recommend this book to those who are simply because of my experience with the authors prior to this book. While not in my taste, it would appeal to those who do enjoy that type of reading but I would definitely recommend starting with the first one rather than picking up "cycle three" as I did.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and was in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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