In The Air I Breathe: Worship As A Way of Life, Giglio reminds us that God reveals himself to us each and every minute of the day if we will only observe. The maker of the universe is right beside you and me, every moment of every day. He made creation to be enjoyed but not worshipped. He gave you the ability to do your job and do it well, but not to worship. Your family, financial resources, health, etc. are all gifts from above but are not meant to be elevated to the highest place in our hearts. Many worldly things are going to battle for your heart. Determine today to allow God to win that battle.
I originally chose this book for my son who has attended several Passion conferences and has loved listening to Louie Giglio. What I found in this book were pointed reminders for myself that weren't all new but a wake-up call about how I am spending my time and resources. The book was easy to read and digest (can be done in a few hours but wouldn't recommend doing so in order to give you time to ponder Giglio's words) and gave me a goal for the new year to allow worship to be my day, not simply a part of my week. As I read, I could almost picture myself standing before God as he asked me questions about all the times I was distracted in my life and my worship proved what was most important to me and I simply lowered my head in shame.
Is what you are worshipping and declaring to be of greatest value going to be worthy in the long run? "Don't waste your worship on a little god."
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one. While not typically a non-fiction reader, this is a book I can recommend without reservation.

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