As Christian parents, we strive to do everything in our power to ensure our children are "trained up in the way they should go" and that, when they leave our care, are making Godly choices but they are each beings of free will and from Adam's seed so they are going to mess us....just like we did. When my children were young, I thought parenting was hard and it was. What I never dreamed of was how difficult parenting an adult child would be. As I have gotten older, God has given me the wisdom and strength to relinquish the control to Him as He has pointed out how very little control I do have over my children. So, how am I to accomplish that surrender and peace that God's got this? Only through prayer.
Jodie Berndt in Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children: Trusting God with the Ones You Love, has written an excellent resource in helping those of us with adult children know how to pray for them. She has broken down the book into sixteen different eras of adulthood including relationships, health, career, temptation, and home just to name a few.
Since much of mine and my husband's prayer life is focusing on careers right now, both ours and our children's, that particular chapter caught my attention and will be the basis for my examples. Berndt fills the chapters with real life examples, several of which are just how I have reacted and really doesn't bring out the best in me so the book was easy for me to relate to. Each chapter contains several prayer principles such as "We can make all the plans we want--and so can our kids--but God is the one who directs our paths", all wonderful and pertinent reminders of who God is and to wait on His timing and will for our lives. She also includes specific scripture that will guide our prayers as well as prayers that we can pray for ourselves and our children, straight out of scripture. Wow!
The book is much easier to read than to put into practice. It won't solve all your worrying issues over your children but if you follow Berndt's suggestions, it will put your focus on the One who loves your children more than you do and has a brilliant plan for him/her. I strongly recommend it for any parent of adult children as a resource to keep with your Bible and use daily in your prayer time.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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