Because of the fact that about a third of each page is a note-taking area, I assume some choices had to be made about what to exclude from this volume in order to maintain a reasonable weight. One thing I may miss is the notes section I have in my previous Bible, giving me more insight to scripture. But perhaps I lean too much on those notes rather than allowing God to speak to me? Also a bit sparse is the small dictionary/concordance in the back. However, neither are a deal breaker since I do have other Bibles to use as reference. But those things that aren't included leave me a bit scratching my head as to why it is called a Reference Bible. Another feature I would like to modify is the cover but that is simply a matter of personal preference in that I like a soft cover Bible.
I am blessed to have both of my grandmother's Bibles. How precious are the words each has handwritten in the margins. I can still see one of my grandmother's Bibles sitting on the kitchen table and remember coming by her house often to see her pouring over scripture. What a special heirloom this Bible can be as those who follow you look over your words as to how God spoke to you through His word.
Overall, I love the concept and can't wait to get started with my own study and note-taking. The big plus is the room you have to write notes. The biggest negative to me is the hardback cover which makes it look like a hotel Bible.
I did receive this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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