I don't know about you but what used to be a once slim abdominal area just isn't anymore. My calorie intake has changed little and my activity level is similar to what it was 20 years ago but I just can't seem to shake the extra bit of belly fat so this book caught my attention immediately. Upon its arrival, I began reading that the tips within also might help with the joint pain of this post-menopausal body.
While I don't know that I will be able to adhere to all the exercises and recipes contained within this volume, I am willing to give it a 10 day try as suggested, with maybe the exception of some of the recipes made from items that I just simply don't like or stock. Some ingredients are fairly expensive to purchase as well. Who knows, perhaps some of the suggestions will become habits. I particularly enjoyed the section Petrucci included about all the toxins in the items we use everyday. That information will modify the way I shop. I also appreciated the fact that she didn't suggest I throw everything away but practically offered options as items were used up. One suggestion I might make if this volume is ever reprinted is illustrations with the exercises. Overall, the book had several ideas I would like to put into practice but only time will tell if the extra body fat and pounds will stay way or if it will always be a constant battle for me.
I did receive this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and am in no way obligated to write a positive one.
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